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Make MapInfo® Pro and Spectrum® Spatial work together - For Real! 

Now in BETA 0.9!

Early Bird



Easily publish complete and advanced MapInfo Pro maps to Spectrum Spatial


Migrate Your Map environment to server/Web based Spectrum Spatial


Use and administer Spectrum Spatial Maps in MapInfo Pro


MapInfo® Pro and Spectrum® Spatial are two wonderful GIS products from Pitney Bowes. But what if You would like to have them cooperating in the same environment - with true and complete map-interoperabilty and full functionality? What if You would like to in Mapinfo Pro create, manage, publish and re-use Your complex Workspaces for both Spectrum and MapInfo Pro? - Then our  Map Manager for MapInfo Pro and Spectrum Spatial is the answer!  

Market Leading Location Intelligence from Pitney Bowes

MapInfo® Pro Desktop GIS

 Award-winning desktop mapping and spatial analytics software, carefully crafted and enhanced in collaboration with users like you. 

Read more on official site!


Spectrum® Spatial

 Spectrum Spatial is the Web based Location Intelligence solution that gives you the power, control and flexibility you need to overcome key business challenges. Turn data into actionable insights.  

Read more on official site!

Fästpunkt 2

Map Manager from Sokigo will let You administer most of Your Spectrum Spatial map environments set-up - all from our add-on tool in MapInfo Professional. It not only gives you the ease of getting Your maps as You want them in the Web client. It also lets You create and edit user roles and functionality profiles and more. here are some of the benefits:

  • Build, Administer, Publish and Update complete MI-Workspaces with complex map content and User profiles/functionality.

  • Perhaps even? - Migrate Your map Environment from local/network file system to Spectrum Spatial server 

  • To be able to! - be interoperable, to use/edit the same maps in MapInfo Pro and Spectrum Spatial - at the same time

  • Why not - Add, edit and administer User roles/profiles and settings for Spectrum Spatial directly in Map Manager?

  • And so on...

The tool and only solution that can handle this is Map Manager from Sokigo!

In short - MapInfo and Spectrum are two great but individual product lines with two different ways of handling maps. Out of the box from Pitney Bowes, You will get Map Uploader - a small MapInfo Pro tool that lets You publish simple map layers and configure them in Spectrum. In a "fire-and-forget" manor and with some work in different admin-tools You will be able to upload single business layers and manually build map projects in Spectrum. Not bad - but a lot of work in both platforms with results that does not please us all? 


Map Manager from Sokigo will let You administer most of Your Spectrum Spatial map environments set-up - all from our add-on tool in MapInfo Pro. It not only gives you the ease of getting Your maps as You want them in the Web client. It also lets You create and edit user roles and functionality profiles and more.

Here are some of the top features -
all available in and manageable in our Map Manager Plug-in/Add on:

Publish and/or Migrate complete and complex MapInfo Pro Maps 

Without comparison the best and only way to have Your complex MapInfo maps published and/or migrated to Spectrum Spatial. Including complete workspaces with for example WMS and Thematics. Load migrated Spectrum Map Projects back to MapInfo Pro - Edit - Update!

Set up and control User Permissions and Access control

Easily in the Map Manager console set up Your GIS-organization down to group or user level. Decide what maps and functionality users will have. Compatible with Active Directory.

Create and edit Searches, Selections and Queries

Create Your own query-like searches for your data and maps. Do advanced set-ups and visualize it with any thematics - then publish it to any map in Spectrum Spatial

Set up Info-Click Templates

Create good looking and informative info templates in Spectrum Spatial. All from diagrams to readable names and graphics/icons. Made easy with published data structures.

Support for Multiple Functionality Profiles

With a simple click in the interface - set up what functionality is available on each map and user. For example; one map with only print functionality and another with full edit and advanced queries, easily set up in the Map Manager console

Publish as WMS/WFS (OGC)

Easily with a check-box in Map Manager console - choose what map or maps should be available as WMS or WFS and then publish. Have never been more simple.

High level of Configurability and settings

With all of these controls and settings available in our Map Manager console You can actually create Your own GIS environment with users, user groups and maps / functionality. Map manager opens up the power of Spectrum Spatial to the GIS world of excellence. 

Observe that Map Manager cannot publish, migrate and re-use all kind of MapInfo Pro maps automatically. Some basic initial set up must be made in Spectrum Spatial. Regarding thematics You must follow recommended way of setting up thematics in MapInfo. Layers must include geography and so on...

Fästpunkt 5
1. Easily install

Map Manager  - Consists of two install packages. One that You install on Your PC where You have Your MapInfo Pro license. This is really a MBX plug in that will become a part of Your MapInfo GUI and environment. The other package is to be installed on the Spectrum Spatial server and acts as a service interpreting the communication/data between MapInfo Pro and Spectrum Spatial

Skärmavbild 2019-08-28 kl. 16.21.59.png

Once installed on Spectrum server and in MapInfo Pro You can open the "Map Manager" tab, log on to the server and begin Your work. The menu gives You some simple choices. The most common when publishing/migrating for the first time is to with Your open map in MapInfoPro - then just choose publish. The Manager will analyze Your map and You can do some configurations - what maps/layers are Background maps and what are Business layers. When ready, press publish - and we will transform Your MapInfo Map into Spectrum Spatial Map Projects layout - All in a few moments.  

2. Publish & Migrate
3. Map on the Web & MI Pro

Once published, You actually have (if You want to) migrated the map from Your file environment (local or network) to Your Spectrum Server. Of course You now can use Your map in the Spectrum Spatial Web client - interact with it, update/edit it on the web. It will look and feel just like Your map in MapInfo Pro...


...And then again re-open the same map in Mapinfo Pro. Not Your original in the file system - but the actual Spectrum Spatial map. Once opened You can work, edit and update/re-publish the map. And last but not least You are now actually working with the same map as Your web users - in real time. Updates made in one client - will be visible on the other within seconds!

4. Many More Features

Of course there are many more features and functionalities available. You can set up User Roles and Permissions within Your organization, for example based on Active Directory. Configure entire Map Projects from the GUI in MapInfo Pro. Set up Your personalized Search and Query templates. Configure user functionality in Spectrum Web client. Publish as web map and/or WMS/WFS source for usage in other map clients. And more...  

Fästpunkt 4
Round Clock
Wrench Vit
  • Save time and energy
    ...administering and creating maps and map/user configurations that You want to have on the web - Just do it easily, in seconds and directly/only in MapInfo Pro

  • Transparency/Compatibility
    Have more or less complex maps on the Web look, feel and behave exactly as in Your MapInfo Pro environment 

  • Interoperability
    Migrate Your map environment with Map Manager from file system to Spectrum. Be able to open/edit the same maps in MapInfo Pro and Spectrum Spatial

"Map Manager is the best way to have MapInfo Professional and Spectrum Spatial really work together. Why not try it out?" 

Fästpunkt 3
Fästpunkt 1
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